
Médecine Chinoise - Séminaires - Thés en vracs

Elyse’s interest in Chinese medicine evolved from her professional practice of massage and aromatherapy. Studies in Biology and Psychology at Oxford Brookes University 15 years ago, as well as exposure to the concepts of Asian medicine during her travels, were the foundation in her pursuit of alternative healthcare.

Elyse completed a Bachelor of Science in Chinese Medicine at Middlesex University of London, a 4-year course supervised by Beijing University, followed by a Master of Science in Chinese Herbal Medicine at Westminster University. She ran a clinic in London before being awarded a scholarship to study Mandarin language. This took her to Taiwan and China for two years where she also engaged in hospital placements and studies of classical Chinese medicine theory.

Originally from England, Elyse has worked in various clinical settings and cultures before settling in Switzerland with her family. She is passionate about Chinese medicine and is enthusiastic in her clinical work. Her intention is to accommodate the individuality of each person whilst supporting them to better health. Elyse consults in French, English and Mandarin.